Options for error notifications when scheduled packages execute other packages?

Options for error notifications when scheduled packages execute other packages?

Hi -

I was wondering if you have any suggestions for generating failed package notifications when the packages are executed inside a Control Flow, and it is the Control Flow that is scheduled. For an example see package ID 216134. This scheduled Control Flow executes another Control Flow, package ID 215079. The second Control Flow executes the actual replication packages for this set of jobs. 

If I string the packages in a line without a Try-Catch, then one package failing will bubble up to the scheduled Control Flow, and I will get an error email. But, if I do this, execution stops at the one failed package, and no other job executes. Not ideal. 

On the other hand, if I add Try-Catch to the Control Flow with the replication packages, one problem does not impact all the other jobs. BUT in this case I would never get an error email. 

Any ideas? My own suggestion would be a Profile setting to send error emails for all packages, whether scheduled or not. But I don't know how difficult that would be to implement. 
