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Mapping Multi-Select Fields
When working with Import, Synchronization, or Data Flow integrations and needing to map multi-select fields with different values between the source and target, you can use Expression Mapping. Expression mapping allows using simple and complex ...
Dynamics 365: Principal user is missing prvReadAccount privilege
The error message Principal user is missing prvReadAccount privilege is returned by the Dynamics 365 API. The main cause of this error is that the owner is assigned a security role other than System Administrator and lacks the necessary read-write ...
📊 Skyvia Data Flow Logs Explained: The Reason Errors and Successes Aren't Shown by Default
In Data Flow, tracking execution success or failure can be challenging due to the nature of row processing. Rows that fail in one component may succeed in another, complicating error detection. By default, Skyvia logs do not provide detailed error or ...
A Quick Guide to Importing and Updating Audience Members in Mailchimp
If your integration involves importing data into Mailchimp Audiences, this information might be helpful. To start, let’s take a quick look at how the UPSERT operation works: If the Id is specified, the integration attempts an Update operation even if ...
Mapping the RowNo Column for UPDATE/UPSERT Operations in Google Sheets
When implementing UPDATE/UPSERT operations in Google Sheets, you may need to set up mapping for the RowNo mandatory field. RowNo is a unique auto-generated row number in the Sheet. It is essential for performing UPSERT/UPDATE operations, as it ...