We have implemented the Categories field as a string in JSON format. Therefore, when importing data into the Products.Categories field, please specify the value in this format. The value should start with an opening bracket [
and end with a closing bracket ]
, with each category ID separated by commas. Here are examples:
[21, 23]
– representing two category IDs.[22]
– representing one category ID.Make sure to pass values to the Categories field in this format for successful data import.
You can pass data in array format in the following ways:
- Format the value in brackets in your CSV file as described above;
- Use Constant mapping to pass fixed values to a target column. To do this, select "Constant" as the mapping type and specify the constant value directly:
For more details, refer to the Constant Mapping documentation.
- Use Expression Mapping as shown below.
For example, if you have two Category IDs in separate columns, you can concatenate them into a JSON array format like this:
'[' + Category1 + ',' + Category2 + ']'
For more details on expression syntax, visit Expression Syntax page.