Connect: Plan Does Not Support Secure Endpoints

Connect: Plan Does Not Support Secure Endpoints

Secure endpoints (private endpoints with IP restrictions and user accounts) are available only in the Standard pricing plan. Public endpoints are the only option available in the Free and Basic pricing plans. If your endpoint is invalid or uses features not included in your subscription, it will be created in an inactive state and cannot be activated until you fix the issue or upgrade your Connect subscription to a plan that includes the necessary features.

On the Free pricing plan for Skyvia Connect, you can enable only 1 endpoint to a cloud source—not to a database or cloud data warehouse. This endpoint is limited to 100 KB of traffic per month and is designed to test the tool. Additionally, you may encounter an issue where an endpoint saved in an invalid or incomplete state (for example, lacking any data entity) is considered a draft endpoint. Draft endpoints are created inactive and cannot be activated until you correct their configuration or upgrade your Connect plan to include the required features.

For more details, please refer to the Connect Security Settings documentation.