Data Integration: You have reached the limit of records

Data Integration: You have reached the limit of records

The error "You have reached the limit of records" usually occurs when the number of records exceeds the limit specified in your current Data Integration product plan. To resolve this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Upgrade your plan to increase the record limit.

  2. If you're on the Free plan, you can request a free 14-day trial of any paid plan to gain access to additional records.

  3. Alternatively, you can wait for the records to reset according to your plan’s reset schedule.

For users on the Free plan, the limit is usually reset on your registration date each month.

For users on Paid plans (Standard, Professional, or Enterprise), the limit is reset on your subscription date.

If you’re on the
Standard, Professional, or Enterprise plan, you can process more records than your subscription includes for an additional cost. However, this feature is not enabled by default to prevent unexpected charges. To load records beyond your subscription limits, you'll need to enable the Paid Records feature on your Account page. To do so, go to the Subscriptions tab and toggle Data Integration on for Paid Records. This will allow you to process additional records as needed.

Please check whether you have set a limit on the number of available paid records in the settings (1000 by default) as it may affect your data processing flow. For this, click on the paid records toggle in the Subscriptions settings and check if a maximum amount of 1000 records is specified. If it is, you can either increase this amount or select the Unlimited checkbox to remove the limit.

If you created your account some time ago and have not updated your plan, you might also encounter the error
"You have reached the limit of CSV records." This error means that the monthly limit for records used in export and import integrations from CSV files has been reached. To resolve this, consider renewing your plan to the updated version or waiting for the limits to reset.

For more details on our plans, please visit the Pricing page.
This article Subscription Limits and Plans in More Details may also be useful. 

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