Account and Workspace Roles in Skyvia

Account and Workspace Roles in Skyvia

In Skyvia, we distinguish between account and workspace roles for seamless teamwork:

1. Account Roles

The account admin, also known as the account owner, has full control over the account. They can manage subscriptions to Skyvia products, modify auto-renewal settings, enable auto-cleaning for backups, update payment details, and create the initial account structure. This includes adding workspaces, creating objects, inviting users, assigning roles, granting administrative privileges, and managing users (including revoking access or deleting them).

If the admin represents a company, their primary responsibility is to ensure smooth collaboration among teammates, manage subscriptions and payments, and maintain overall account security. Upon registration for Skyvia, users are automatically granted account admin status.

Important: If your account administrator stops working with the account, they must transfer their admin role to another member. Failing to do so may result in difficulties managing the account subscription, inviting users, and configuring objects in the future.

Account members have limited access, primarily to view subscriptions and account resources but cannot manage them. They do not have access to payment information, invoices, or other users unless granted access to a specific workspace. Members cannot modify account settings but may be assigned workspace administrator rights. This grants them full control within specific workspaces, including the ability to modify settings or delete the workspace and its users.
When a user joins an account through an invitation, they automatically receive account member status. To request additional permissions, they must ask the account admin.

2. Workspace Roles

A workspace role defines a user’s permissions within a workspace. Users can be assigned standard roles with predefined permissions or custom roles tailored to specific needs.
Roles help manage user permissions, ensuring effective collaboration within the workspace. Workspace administrators can remove users, manage and delete workspace objects, or even delete the workspace entirely.

Note: When inviting a user to the account, ensure you carefully select both the Account Role and Workspace Role. This will help prevent permission issues related to creating or running objects.

Skyvia offers 4 predefined workspace roles:
  • Administrator – Full control over workspace settings, objects, and user management.
  • Developer – Can manage objects but cannot modify workspace settings or manage users.
  • Member – Can execute existing integrations, view logs, and access backed-up data.
  • Supporter – Limited to viewing and downloading integration logs for troubleshooting.
Standard roles cannot be deleted, but they can be used as a base for creating custom roles. Additionally, admins can create custom roles with specific permissions. These roles can be edited or deleted at any time. If a custom role is deleted, the user remains in the workspace with their previous permissions.

You can find more details on the topic here: 
Account ManagementThis article Collaboration may also be useful.
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